Free Speech

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  • Free speech is not hate speech.
  • Hate speech is not free speech.

Free speech is a core value we support and uphold. But what is not and should not be protected and upheld is speech that infringes or promotes the denial of life, liberty and happiness of others.

Hate speech promoting or advocating violence is not and should not be protected. Calling neo nazis ‘very fine people’ is not good. Clearly!

I have said and thought that people will die because of 45. I had this thought a long time ago. My new thought is that many more will die because a direction has been set. A tone that will take a long time to quell and quiet.

Just remember that hate speech, support of hate speech, the failure to denounce hate speech and those that provide a voice and safe haven for promotion of hate speech is not good. Blood is on the hands of the people profiting from and allowing hate speech to continue. Blood is on the hands of those Republican politicians who have allowed those advocating violence towards others to be legitimate. Crazy anti-American values have no place in the public, the government or politics. Clearly!

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