Smoke and Fire

This page and my webpage Usually, where there’s smoke, there is fire. Advice that means ‘don’t ignore the obvious’. Shell companies, massive loans, shady real estate deals, sudden wealth, flexible moral standards, demands for loyalty, extreme nepotism, affinity for dictators, fear of law enforcement, fear of oversight, lack of transparency, smoke, smoke, smoke. The fire …

Habit List

This page and my webpage Millionaire Habits Read consistently. 30 minutes a day, biographies, self help and personal development Exercise. 30 minutes a day or more of cardio Hang out with other successful people. People that are Goal oriented, optimistic and positive. Volunteer. Surround themselves with good people for 5 hours per month. Dream setting. …

Quiet Desperation

Go to my webpage at The mass of men lead quiet lives of desperation. Henry David Thoreau, Walden 1854 Concord, Massachusetts Today we have an idea called work life balance. A stated company policy of supporting employees personal lives by policy or practice. It is a response to job demands and priorities that exclude …