Some Things

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She’s going to go through some things.

POTUS July 25, 2019 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky

He listened to Rudy Giuliani and got bad information or influence. Maybe even foreign influence to remove the US ambassador to Ukraine.

Ironically now POTUS is going through some bad things. Many people formerly opposed to impeachment are suddenly not so sure. Political bias, belief in conspiracy theories and a desire for re-election in 2020 motivated POTUS and Giuliani to remove the ambassador, withhold $391 million in assistance to the Ukraine and invent a corruption story about his potential rival, Joe Biden.

You can’t make this stuff up. Hollywood will make movies about this stuff. We are living through another Watergate. This whole administration is a…

  • Train wreck
  • Dumpster fire
  • Chaos
  • Ethics Black Hole
  • Dumbest in history
  • Worst ever
  • Some things

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