Economy Stupid

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It’s the economy stupid”

This was the statement in American politics to describe the issue that voters considered at the polls. A conservative vote was good for the economy, businesses and citizens. A vote for a liberal was bad for the economy, bad for business and citizens. That’s the story.

The truth is that politics and the economy are not related like that. Tax policy and government oversight do have effects. But basic economic ideas do not change with party or politics. Value is not gained or lost with political opinions. Perceptions are and do change with political winds. President do not make or break economic progress, until now.

The ongoing trade war is causing Americans to lose their businesses and farms. A trade war started by an ignorant politician who thinks that other countries are stealing our wealth. We sell food, entertainment, technologies and weapons. But we do not have a monopoly on those things. Other countries and people make or grow those things.

It’s wealth stupid. Or it’s value stupid. Or better yet it’s the environment stupid. Those are maybe wiser slogans. But wisdom and politics are like oil and water, separate and don’t mix well.

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