Information Age

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Television has been a major source of information and influence on people in the US since the 1960’s. Think moon landing. That’s 60 years so far.

And now the ubiquity and widespread use of the internet and social media shows us that a change has taken place. The old TV is not the only game in town anymore.

The use of social media and it’s influence on people’s actions is real. People’s attention and emotions can be manipulated to click, laugh, click, buy, click, cry, click, yell, click, scream, click, swipe, click, eat, click, drink, click, text, click, vote, click, don’t vote, click, tap, tap.

We are often obsessive and compulsive. We are often extreme. Sometimes this can be good and productive. Sometimes not so good. It is hard to self reflect, recognize unhealthy extremes and self regulate. You can see it as addictions of every kind. It can be funny but it is really sad and destructive.

We need to find balance, a happy medium, have a good BS detector. It’s not easy in this modern Information Age. It all looks so shiny, uniform, orderly, official and authoritative. But sadly it’s people behind there with selfish agendas or less than positive motives. And now there may not even be people behind it. Bots and AI, artificial intelligence, computer programs now churn out content. Faster than humans and tuned to hit those emotional targets. We are like fish in a barrel. Easy targets for people with money and people with agendas. Be careful out there.

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