Step Back

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Any value, measurement or quantity can be compared to another. And we humans like round numbers. We have an affinity for some numbers, indifference to others and even hatred for others. Some numbers will seem to have a magical place in our minds.

More is better. Larger is better. Too many weird biases to count.

Many times we evaluate numbers without regard to context in time. Take for example marathon finish time. A slow finish time for an elite athlete in his or her prime could be a personal best time for a late blooming older athlete.

Context is important. And sometimes the only way to see the context is to take a step or two back. This gives us a wider view and maybe puts data in context to the data around the number. Sometimes a better understanding comes from taking a look around.

Short Circuit

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In an electronic device voltage and current are contained and carried along wires and pathways called circuits. When a pathways is broken it’s called a open circuit and current cannot pass. If a pathway is connected where is should not, current may flow along an unintended pathway and is called a short circuit. This short circuit will cause malfunction in the device. The malfunction could be minor and just annoying. But it can also be bad enough to cause a no function condition. Or the the very worst case damage or destruction of the device.

So short circuits are bad and should be avoided. Our brain has behaviors that are like short circuits. The highly addictive substances can cause short circuits or influence our behaviors. The behaviors can be slight, annoying or self destructive.

  • Opioids
  • Alcohol
  • Nicotine
  • Sugar

These are known, addictive and destructive because they change human behavior that harms our health. Harm in the extreme leading to death. No joke. No exaggeration.

Building Blocks

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To fuel a car or electronic device you refill the gas tank or battery. And you go on your way.

The human body is constantly shedding dead skin cells. Hair and fingernails never stop growing. Your skin wraps into every orifice and lines your nasal passages, throat, lungs, stomach and gut. Cells are being shed here as well as mucous. All to protect us from the outside environment.

So human fuel is not just calories or energy. It’s building blocks. What’s that? It is the constituent molecules, elements, minerals, proteins and fats that make up the parts of the cells of our body. If our diet is missing or deficient it can make some of them. It can even harvest or recycle it from somewhere else in the body. But there are some things that, if missing, the newly rebuilt cells will be weak or damaged in some way.

A body with a high percentage of damaged or weak cells will have compromised immunity, lower performance and probably shorter lifespan. It doesn’t take much imagination to see how this is directly correlated with health, disease and athletic performance.

Building blocks so small you can’t see them. Building blocks so essential that without them we get sick and can die. Makes me think of every bite as an opportunity to get what my body needs.

Run Down

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If you don’t recharge your electronic device it will eventually run out of power and stop functioning. As the battery ages it capacity may decrease. It’s performance may decrease compared to when it was brand new.

The human body is not an electronic device. There are many more variables that influence performance. Here are some of the physical and actionable variables.

  • Rest and recovery
  • Training and exercise
  • Nutrition and hydration

If we can strike the right balance of these inputs, we can maximize human performance. If we maximize human performance we will position our bodies to perform well under stress. We will stave off age related declines.

But too much rest and not enough exercise and the body will weaken and atrophy. Decline and run down will be the result. Too much training and not enough rest will result in decline and injury. Inadequate nutrition will also lead to illness, injury and decline. The human body has amazing abilities to adapt and recover from all kinds of insults, injuries and deficiencies. But they are not unlimited.

Battery Life

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Electronic devices have a run time limit. If they have rechargeable batteries, it is called battery life. Human bodies are not batteries. But there are fundamental differences and similarities.

The similarity is that our bodies have a run time and need recharging or recovery. This comes in the form of rest and food.

The difference with batteries and devices is the fuel. They need one energy source. One input and they are ready to go again. Perform their function as designed.

Human bodies can be fed one kind of fuel. Like carbohydrates or sugar, which are devoid of nutrients or nutrition. They have calories and can fuel our activity. But in general they are low in essential minerals, vitamins and essential fats.

While human performance is an amazing and spectacular thing to behold. It is like a water well. You can draw water and enjoy it. But you may need to let it recharge and refill before you draw it down again.

Ignore Me

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The more you ignore me

The closer I get

You’re wasting your time

The more you ignore me

The closer I get

You’re wasting your time

I will be

In the bar

With my head

On the bar

I am now

A central part

Of your mind’s landscape

Whether you care

Or do not

Yeah, I’ve made up your mind

The more you ignore me

The closer I get

You’re wasting your time

The more you ignore me

The closer I get

You’re wasting your time


I bear more grudges

Than lonely high court judges

When you sleep

I will creep

Into your thoughts

Like a bad debt

That you can’t pay

Take the easy way

And give in

Yeah, and let me in

Oh, let me in

Oh let me

Oh, let me in

It’s war

It’s war

It’s war

It’s war

It’s war





Oh, let me in

Ah, the closer I get

Ah, you’re asking for it

Ah, the closer I get

Ooh, the closer I

The More You Ignore Me The Closer I Get by Morrissey, 1994

The Distance

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Reluctantly crouched at the starting line

Engines pumping and thumping in time

The green light flashes, the flags go up

Churning and burning, they yearn for the cup

They deftly maneuver and muscle for rank

Fuel burning fast on an empty tank

Reckless and wild, they pour through the turns

Their prowess is potent and secretly stern

As they speed through the finish, the flags go down

The fans get up and they get out of town

The arena is empty except for one man

Still driving and striving as fast as he can

The sun has gone down and the moon has come up

And long ago somebody left with the cup

But he’s driving and striving and hugging the turns

And thinking of someone for whom he still burns

He’s going the distance

He’s going for speed

She’s all alone (all alone)

All alone in her time of need

Because he’s racing and pacing and plotting the course

He’s fighting and biting and riding on his horse

He’s going the distance

No trophy, no flowers, no flashbulbs, no wine

He’s haunted by something he cannot define

Bowel-shaking earthquakes of doubt and remorse

Assail him, impale him with monster-truck force

In his mind, he’s still driving, still making the grade

She’s hoping in time that her memories will fade

‘Cause he’s racing and pacing and plotting the course

He’s fighting and biting and riding on his horse

The sun has gone down and the moon has come up

And long ago somebody left with the cup

But he’s striving and driving and hugging the turns

And thinking of someone for whom he still burns

‘Cause he’s going the distance

He’s going for speed

She’s all alone (all alone)

All alone in her time of need

Because he’s racing and pacing and plotting the course

He’s fighting and biting and riding on his horse

He’s racing and pacing and plotting the course

He’s fighting and biting and riding on his horse

He’s going the distance

He’s going for speed

He’s going the distance

Ah no, so sad, alright

Oh no, oh no, no, no

The Distance by Cake, 1996

First Minutes

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Before each workout of a marathon training session, especially the hard ones, there is an internal debate. I consider skipping it and doing something else. Most of the time I say to heck with skipping and just go out anyway. Usually it’s hard, usually there is struggle. And usually there are nice moments of realization that the difficulty is what I was seeking all along.